From the desk of Librarian :
The objective of the Library is to facilitate convenient and user friendly access to current, global and relevant information to its users. We identify, acquire, organise the information resources in print as well as digital formats and make them available to our users to meet their information requirements. We at KJSCE Library look forward to serve our students and faculty with personalised Reference Services and Selective Dissemination of Information as well.
Ms. Nirupama R. Warrier
Tel: 022 6644 9020/ 9191 Email:

To enhance knowledge and instil a thirst for reading which will enable the readers to develop an integrated personality and motivate them to make a valuable contribution to the society in future.
To promote scientific and technological research and also to disseminate information at a faster pace to the targets of their utilization.
About us
KJSCE Library aims to serve the needs of faculty, students and other members of the library. The well-furnished library is located in the new building and is spread across four floors over 1140 sq. meters, with a seating capacity for 150 students.
It provides a comprehensive collection of literature predominantly related to engineering and its allied subjects to meet the present and future information needs of its users. The added facility in the library is the installed bar-coding system which automates a lot of procedures and facilitates a thorough check on the inflow and outflow of books.
Regular timings of different sections of the Library:
Reading Section
First Floor
9:30 am - 9:00 pm
Home Issue Section
Digital Library Centre
Second Floor
9:30 am - 6:00 pm
Reference Section
Third Floor
9:30 am – 7:00pm
Periodical & Book Bank Section
Fourth Floor
9:30 am - 6:00 pm
Library Functioning during Exams (Mid/End Term)
During examination period, 2 days prior to the commencement of oral/practical exams or 15 days prior to the commencement of theory exams (whichever is earlier) the library functions as per the below mentioned timings:
Examination period (including all Saturdays)
Reading Room
9:30 am to 9 pm
Home Issue Section
9:30 am to 6 pm
Reference Section
9:30 am to 7 pm
Periodical Section
9:30 am to 6 pm
Sundays, Public and college holidays
Reading Room
9:30 am to 6:00 pm
Accordingly, in the present semester the library will function from 11th November, 2019 to 24th December, 2019 as per the above timings.
Vacation timings
College Vacation Period (after Mid/End Term and KT examination untill the college reopens)
All Sections – 9.30 am to 6.00 pm
Note: Library will remain closed for Diwali Festival days i.e. Narak Chaturdashi, Lakshmi Poojan, Diwali Padwa & Bhaubeej.
Library Rules
Library facility is restricted to current students & staff of the KJSCE having valid identification issued by KJSCE.
Ex-students are required to obtain written permission from the Principal’s office to use the library facility.
Students must observe complete silence in the library. Discussion/conversation whatsoever is not permitted.
Student should keep their belongings on the Baggage Rack kept for the purpose. Library staff is not responsible for any loss.
Smoking, consumption of food and drink (except water), is not permitted in the library.
Use of mobile phone is strictly prohibited. Mobiles are to be kept in the silent mode and you are required to leave the library if you need to use it.
Library material should be handled with utmost care. Nobody should write, damage or make any mark on any of the library materials.
On receiving a book, student must examine it for any kind of damage, such damage should be immediately brought to the notice of Library staff. Failure to do so may entail him/her being held responsible for any damage detected later.
Books lost or damaged must be paid by the student in whose name they have been issued after getting assessment of the value from the Librarian.
The Librarian reserves the right to recall any book before the due date if necessary.
The overdue charge for recalled books will be heavier in case of delay in the return.
Overdue fine is directly deducted from the Library Deposit which is collected along with the fee, and student should maintain Rs.500 in the deposit.
Library has costly books which are indicated by Pink colour strip on top of the spine of a book. In case of loss of such a book borrower should replace it with a new copy.
Library furniture arrangement should not be disturbed.
Regarding all other matter concerning the library, decision of the Principal will be final.