K J Somaiya College Of Science And Commerce

The purpose of the Research Policy is to create a vibrant atmosphere of research among faculty and researchers at our college K. J. Somaiya College of Science and Commerce. The policy shall serve as an overall framework within which research activities may be carried out. The Objectives and scope for the research committee are as follow:

Objectives of the Research Policy

  • To create and administer research fund for supporting and facilitating research atmosphere among faculty members and students.
  • To develop rules, procedures and guidelines for availing research support, institute awards and supporting all other related activities.
  • To develop rules, procedures and guidelines for granting study leave, sabbatical leave, duty leave, reduction in workload, etc. for faculty members undertaking research activities.
  • To provide a modality for proper coordination of all research activities at our college and aligning these to the vision and missions of the college to achieve national development goals.
  • To prepare and regularly update the research agenda of the college outlining the preferred focus areas and priorities of research activities to be supported.
  • To guide faculty members in the effective integration research projects with the regular curriculum implementation and curriculum enrichment activities.
  • To identify and inform researchers about the appropriate research opportunities announced by different academic, research, industry or government organizations.
  • To promote interdisciplinary research and establish modalities for preparing and undertaking joint research projects covering more than one knowledge domain as well as policies for involving external agencies/experts in such projects.
  • To develop and promote linkages with the Research Council of the University of Mumbai and enable all the researchers of the college to benefit from the activities and programmes of the council.

Research Policy


  • To identify and establish linkages including MOUs for long term relationships with national and international research organizations for widening the scope of research opportunities and funding options available to the teachers and students of the college.
  • To identify and establish linkages including MOUs for long term relationships with industry bodies and individual companies for creating opportunities for teachers and students of the college to involve themselves in real life research projects and obtaining sponsorships.
  • To encourage and facilitate the publication of the research work/projects in reputed academic journals.
  • To encourage and facilitate the presentation/communication of the research work/projects as well as their findings and recommendations through academic events such as workshops/seminars/guest lectures or the media.
  • To compile data on all the research work/projects undertaken by the teachers and students in to a database for easy monitoring and analysis of the progress being made by them from year to year.
  • To provide a mechanism for ensure that academic staff attain the desired mix of teaching, research and consultancy outputs so as to achieve the level stated in the College mission.
  • To draw up and adopt a research code, which informs all researchers about the ethical and legal norms and principles to be followed in the conduct of research.
  • To prepare and implement a research quality assurance mechanism for ensuring that all research activities of the college conform to standard quality specifications


Composition of Research Cell

Research Cell will have the following composition

  • Principal – Chairperson
  • Coordinator – Member Secretary
  • Two teachers – Members
  • Industry/Academia representative - Member
  • Two student representatives - Members

Research Cell may be expanded with the inclusion of more members as necessary. It may also set up and promote 'Action Groups' for managing specific projects/activities.


Research Policy Implementation Mechanism

The Research Cell of the college shall be responsible for implementing this research policy of the college by working closely with the college management. The specific roles and functions of the research cell will be as follows:

  1. Facilitate the faculty in undertaking research and will work with the college management to set up a research fund for providing seed money.
  2. Provide research facilities in terms of laboratory equipment, research journals and research incentives etc. required by the faculty.
  3. Encourage and promote a research culture (eg. teaching work load remission, opportunities for attending conferences etc.).
  4. Encourage the faculty to undertake research by collaborating with other research organizations/ industry.
  5. Create suitable procedures for giving due recognition for guiding research.
  6. Organise workshops/ training programmes/ sensitisation programmes are conducted by the institution to promote a research culture on campus.
  7. Invite industry to use the research facilities of the college and sponsor research projects.
  8. Approach National and international organisations such as UGC, ICSSR, ICHR, ICPR, DST, DBT, UNESCO, UNICEF etc to fund major and minor research projects undertaken by the faculty / students. Prepare budgets for supporting students’ research projects.
  9. Make efforts to improve the availability of research infrastructure requirements to facilitate research.
  10. Develop and implement an official Code of Ethics to check malpractices and plagiarism in research.
  11. Facilitate Interdepartmental / interdisciplinary research projects.
  12. Encourage and promote the publication of research articles by the faculty in reputed/ refereed journals.
  13. Create and maintain a database of research work and research projects undertaken by the faculty and students as well as collect data by metrics such as Citation Index, Impact Factor, h-index, SNIP, SJR, etc.
  14. Publicise the research expertise and consultancy capabilities available in the college.
  15. Facilitate the provision consultancy services to industries / Government / Non- Government organizations / community/ public.
  16. Prepare Rules & Guidelines for Grant of Research related leave and other remissions.
  17. Prepare Guidelines for design and evaluation of curriculum oriented research projects.
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